Thoughts Bricks Revamp
Am revamping this site and the way course material is delivered. Will shortly post the course lessons on the site so that people can access them directly and not have to subscribe to get access to the them. I will …
Am revamping this site and the way course material is delivered. Will shortly post the course lessons on the site so that people can access them directly and not have to subscribe to get access to the them. I will …
THE PLACE OF GREAT SOULS We sat in silence for a while after Sarah had departed with her angel, thinking that our next visit would soon begin, but presently the Ruby Angel pressed upon our minds that he would give …
SARAH’S PICTURE “Shall we go on a round of visits now?” suggested our angel. “I would like you to learn more of Heaven-sight.” “How would a round of visits help us to learn that?” I asked, and Janet said: “We …
DEGREE OF DIGNITY “Let us go now to the Place of Trees,” the Ruby Angel suggested. “It is time you attained to the Degree of Dignity.” “Oh, what is that?” I asked, while Janet turned her face to his. Our …
THE GREEN PASTURE How peaceful was the time that followed! Our dear angel said we had had quite a lot of teaching and had used up a deal of energy in all our visits and so we must be refreshed. …
TREES After the last lesson of the Angel we all walked on for a very long time. At least it seemed a long time afterwards when we came to look back upon it but it may have been a mere …
PEOPLE AND FLOWERS After the Ruby Angel had given us his blessing he seemed to fade away out of our sight as he had done so many times before. We sat again on the log, silent and awed, yet with …
THE FIRST INTENTION The wood was green and cool and silent. Janet and I sat on a fallen log, enjoying the softness of the vine twining so thickly over its surface. How long had we rested there? It was difficult …
The setting sun was so bright upon the water that it dazzled our eyes. We were glad to settle down in the slight shade of a straggling tree, letting its feathery leaves act as a veil for us. “How still …
THE ROAD TO FREEDOM Janet and I sat beside the Ruby Angel, looking out toward the snowy hills. There was a tang in the air. The wind whistled among the bare branches of the trees at our feet, and then, …
THE MOUNTAIN AND THE STREAM “Look at that swiftly-flowing stream,” our angel said. He leant against the trunk of a tree, his ruby gown glowing against the shadowed bark. But how is this?” I demanded surprisedly. “Where is the high …
“WHAT IS MAN?” “I will teach you of life,” said the Ruby Angel. We were sitting in a field set high among the hills – Janet and I. Our favourite angel was with us, and so we were deeply content. …
THE VIRGIN’S CROWN We talked with our angel for a long time as we went wheeling rapidly on our way. He seemed particularly anxious to answer all our questions, encouraging us to range in thought over the whole of our …
HAPTER THIRTEEN ON THE RADIANT WAY When we had wished our guides a temporary farewell (for they told us that we should often meet) Victoria led us on, over the Radiant Way. Happy as I was to be with her, …
THE ANGELS OF PRAYER “How gentle is the Angel of Death!” Victoria said softly as we continued our walk.” I had to ensure that you put that in your book.” “It is very good of you to be so interested,” …
THE ANGEL OF DEATH “Now we will continue our way, for I want you to meet another angel,” Victoria said. This time we all walked together and again I was struck by the featureless landscape for there was nothing in …
THE ANGEL OF BIRTH Presently, one by one, the Guardian – angels went away. Each was to return to earth with precious knowledge which would benefit her charge. When we were alone, Victoria said, “Now I want to introduce you …
THE SPHERE OF ANGELS For a time we continued our exhilarating journey through the Higher Void and then at last we came to the Sphere of Angels. Here, another surprise awaited us. In our journeyings, we had become accustomed to …
THE HOLY HOUSE When our hymn was ended, our angel put his arms about us, holding us to his sides and then rose sharply into the air. At this Janet and I knew that we were leaving the Sphere of …
THE LESSON OF THE TREE Joseph and I talked together earnestly. I was so much attracted to his simple, wise nature that I asked if we could come to visit him again, after our book was finished. He consented gladly, …